Updated September 2019

Abiding in Christ: What Is It Anyway?

It has been the desire of my heart for years to help others walk more intimately with the Lord and be able to enjoy Him in a real and personal way. This is the book where I get to do that. 

Do you struggle with having a regular quiet time? Does your alone time with God sometimes leave you spiritually dry? Or have you just not found time in your busy day to meet with God at all? 

I want to give you tools to help your quiet times be the best they can be, whether you have never been in the habit of daily devotions or you’ve been walking closely with the Lord for years. I want to help you see that abiding in Christ and living the abundant life that God intends for you starts with the quiet time but is so much more! Come learn the secrets of abiding in Christ.

May 2019

Walking Through Fire Without Getting Burned

Is it possible to walk through an overwhelming trial and not be consumed? Life sometimes brings us to an unexpected crossroads where the familiar road we’ve traveled comes to a crushing stop. Our thoughts turn to fear and hopelessness. Without God’s peace we feel as if we’re being consumed by it all.

Kirby King experienced this type of crossroads unexpectedly through the painful end of her 35-year marriage. During Kirby’s season of despair, she asked God not to waste her pain. This book is evidence that not an ounce of her pain was wasted.

Many of us did not choose the road we’ve found ourselves on today; however, God gives every believer opportunities to decide how they will walk that road. Where we fix our focus makes all the difference in our response to the fires of life and to our outcome. Will we be bitter or will we be made better because of what we’ve been through?

In Walking Through Fire Without Getting Burned and the included “Apply It Now” study guide, Kirby provides practical tips and activities that challenge the reader to find the good that God is up to in the midst of the not so good. Countless support groups have benefited by using this book as their guide, working through issues such as forgiveness, guarding our tongues and avoiding isolation.

The testimonies of success from readers are proving this book’s effectiveness as a tested tool against Satan’s attempts to make us feel defeated. We are not defeated! We walk in victory when we allow God to turn our defeat into triumph. Witness God making much good out of your circumstances. Prepare to walk in your victory!