
I’d like to end this Lemon to Lemonade series sharing with you what a very wise friend once told me. Her “lemon” in life is an addiction to alcohol. She struggles with the urge to drink every day. Yet instead of feeling angry or discouraged when tempted she has a better perspective. Here is how my friend has made something very sweet and positive out of her own struggle. I think we can all learn a powerful lesson in her words:

“Kirby, my being an alcoholic isn’t a curse. It’s a BLESSING. 

Because I wake up every morning desperate for God to show

 up or I know I can’t make it.”  

 Do you see the blessing? For us to wake up every morning and acknowledge that we need God in our life is exactly the place He desires for all His children to be. God is pleased when we roll out of bed and onto our knees and say, “Jesus, will you help me today?” Our Heavenly Father wants us to realize we are poor in spirit and that we need Him. He created us to be incomplete apart from Him. Friend, there is so much freedom when we realize how much we need God.

Do you have a challenge today that might be your opportunity to rely on the Lord? Can you choose to see your trial not as a curse but as a blessing, knowing that God is near to those who need Him? Can you learn to thank God in advance for your challenge, believing that He has good in this trial for you? He will be faithful to see you through .

I pray you’ve been encouraged and also challenged to become better prepared to fight your battles. . . God’s way. I hope you’ve been inspired to use the tools we’ve covered in this Lemon to Lemonade series. Here’s a quick look back at the 10 tools covered in the previous weeks:

#1  Trust God - He’s got you

#2  Keep a Journal

#3  Pray - It’s where you're strength will come from

#4  Guard your tongue - Speak words of grace

#5  Resolve issues together instead of covering them over

#6  Seek counsel when you need it

#7  Keep a list of what you’re thankful for

#8  Choose to forgive

#9  Share your burdens with others

        #10  Use your trials to point others to Christ

Let’s end with a verse from the book of Job. As you might recall, Job faced more adversity than most humans will ever see. Yet, Job learned to value the blessings of his trials. But He knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. Job 23:10

For more reading to help you through your hard places, you can read, Walking Through Fire Without Getting Burned. Available now on Amazon.

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