Bummer to be Alone -  Blessed not to be Lonely

Pretty picture, don’t you think? This was the view from my wingback chair on Christmas morning. I made the fire all by myself. (And this time I remembered to open the flume before I got the fire started!)  A perfect picture except for one thing - my family was missing. All five of my kids were gone and I was home alone. First time ever.

This is my family’s new normal where my youngest three children rotate spending their holidays between mom and dad. I’m not sure if the arrangement will ever feel “normal” because it wasn’t supposed to be this way. I married for life and with plans to see our children off into “empty nestedness” with us together. The way things have turned out seems rather messed up and broken to me. Pretty much stinks. Yet as difficult as Christmas morning could have been it wasn’t.  

On Christmas morning I sat in my wingback chair with my favorite coffee to my left and my Bible and journal propped open on my lap. It’s my special place to meet with the Lord and with the fire burning in the fireplace it all felt extra special. It is in this place where God, in his great mercy, reminded me of what He has to say about his children being alone. Look at what the writer of  Hebrews (13:5-6) tells us. “God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’ So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.’” Guys, when God says “never,” He means He will never ever abandon you. That’s a promise. You might choose to turn your back on Him and walk away but He will never abandon you.

Wait there’s more, much more actually, reminding us we are not alone. Check out Isaiah 41:10. “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.My time alone with the Lord on Christmas morning was wonderful. I may have been alone because I had no other people around me, but I was not experiencing loneliness. As a believer in Christ I don’t ever have to be lonely. Having put my faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, His Spirit resides inside of me and thus is with me.

I googled the word “Loneliness” today. The word is defined as friendless. Isolated. Unhappy because one has no one to talk to. Emptiness. William Shakespeare wrote, “Loneliness is the worst pain in this world. It constantly eats away the person’s heart, and can cause the person to hate.” Loneliness is certainly a real felt emotion. I’m sadly aware too many people experience this kind of pain. But thankfully the word doesn’t describe me. And it doesn’t need to describe you either.

So here’s the secret I want to share. I know why my Christmas morning, though not shared with family or friends, was not lonely. I know why I wasn’t dreading waking up that special morning with no one here but me. I know exactly why and it has nothing to do with any kind of strength or bravery I could muster up on my own.

It’s about a relationship I have learned to enjoy with my Heavenly Father. It’s about the  discipline I have learned that has me up early every morning in my wingback chair with my Jesus and my journal and a heart that is ready to listen and receive. And it is my heart’s greatest desire to help you enjoy what I have been blessed to enjoy for years. Fellowship with Abba Daddy. God wants it for all of us. He has no greater desire than for his children to enjoy their time with Him.

In the upcoming blog posts, I want us to walk together through the principals found in a little book I wrote over 10 years ago: Abiding In Christ - What Is It Anyway?  If I can help one person better understand just how special they are in Christ and help that person develop the want to and the how to of abiding in Christ, I can die and go to Heaven right now! I can’t wait to share what I have learned with you and what I have had the privilege of teaching others for years. Just the thought of helping one person understand they are never ever alone makes the yuk God has allowed in my life totally worth it. Are you ready? I’m excited.

And if I have helped you in anyway, would you “make my day” and let me know?