Miniseries on Abiding Week #1 - Let's Begin with what Abiding is NOT

So there’s a word that I was introduced to nearly 30 years ago. The word had no particular meaning to me then because I hadn’t heard the word being used. I was introduced to this particular word while taking a Master Life Bible study at my church. All participants were required to memorize a list of scripture verses, verses which were important to the foundation of our faith. John 15:5 (NASB) was on the list. ‘I am the vine; you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. The word is ABIDE and it was several years after committing this verse to memory when I actually understood the significance of this word in the life of a anyone desiring to follow Christ.

In the next several posts I will share some of the basic principles found in my book, “Abiding in Christ - What is it Anyway?” Together we will look at practical ways to help you establish your daily time with the Lord and how to truly enjoy an abiding relationship with Him. 

There may be only 10 inches from our head to our heart, but giving our full attention to the process of moving “abiding” from our head, knowing the word, into our hearts and and being able to live it moment by moment - it is life-changing, but also can be one of the hardest things to do.

Let’s begin with what Abiding is NOT:

  • Abiding is not going to church on Sundays or Bible study on Wednesdays.

  • Abiding is not having a prayer closet that is rarely visited.

  • Abiding is not doing more good than bad and trying to act “religious.”

  • Abiding is not trying harder to be more like Jesus.

  • It is not limited to the few minutes of your morning devotion or quiet time with God.

  • And finally, Abiding is not happening when you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed out and full of fear and anxieties.

What do you think Abiding is?

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