Lemons to Lemonade - Tool #1 to Equip You for Battle: BREATHE AND TRUST


Writing a weekly blog gives me the opportunity to share some of my life experiences with my reader.  As much as I enjoy writing, my greatest joy comes not in writing but in pointing people to Jesus Christ while they are walking through their own “hard stuff” in life. It’s funny that my highschool senior quote was “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”  I like helping people make lemonade or lemon pie out of something that may have first tasted very bitter.

I think God wired me to encourage people. Aren’t you encouraged when you talk with someone who has “been there and done that” and they not only lived to talk about it, but they actually became stronger and better because of their trial? God has allowed a few difficulties in my years, as He has for many of you. He is continuing to teach and bless me through each and every trial which I choose to lay down and give Him control over. The sooner I lay it down, the sooner He begins to bring some sweetness to my suffering. 

If God works all things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose as Romans 8:28 tells us, then I believe this includes every single hardship which God allows us to endure. But where do we find the good in suffering? You and me looking more like Jesus (more humble, more compassionate, more loving, more patient…) as we go through and come out on the other side of our refining process of adversity - this is considered very good in God’s eyes. Remember, God has greater concern for our conformity than our comfort. Understanding this requires faith on our part which begins with a prayer asking God to give us a desire to become more like Him.

Several years ago, while going through one of the biggest road bumps I’ve ever been over, I wrote Walking Through Fire without Getting Burned. This book is based on the words from the prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 43:2. Here God is essentially saying, If you have to go through some rough waters, some hot fires in life, I WILL NOT LET THEM CONSUME YOU. The flames will not set you ablaze. I’ve got this!” The promise in this verse is the first weapon of defense God gave me early on in my battle days. This is God’s promise for you as well.

Over the next several weeks I’d like to share with you some of the tools I write about in my Walking Through Fire book. I will help you use each of these tools as your weapon of defense to battle through whatever difficulty you find yourself up against. This week, the first tool to equip you as you walk through your trial: 


  • Breathe God in each morning, and let that Him be the breath that sustains you.

  • Be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46:10) and you are not.

  • Be gentle with yourself and your family through the process.

  • Do not fear. God’s grace and goodness are not going to run out.

  • See your moments of exasperation as beautiful reminders of your need for God. In your need, you will not forget Him. He is faithful.

  • Remember that your intimacy with the Lord is where you will find your strength. Spend time in His Word. It is God’s power that indwells you, not your own.

  • Breathe and Trust and let God fight this battle for you.

Today you can choose not to obsess and worry. Instead you can choose to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and keep running to Him. Prepare to put on God’s Word and walk in victory.

Your assignment this week is to write Isaiah 41:13 on a 3 x 5 card and read it aloud throughout the week. “For I am the Lord your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” Then turn this verse into your prayer asking God to take hold of your hand and help you not to be afraid.