#3 So What’s this Abiding Relationship All About?

My teenage son’s club soccer game was 90 minutes from home. Since it was just the two of us on this particular outing, I was thinking it would be a perfect opportunity for us to talk about “deeper things.” Topics other than what restaurant we would stop at to eat on our way home. I wanted to hear his thoughts on school and friends, things he was excited about or afraid of … a mother-and son “bonding” time. Bet you guessed it. It didn’t happen. The two of us didn’t talk. We just traveled together in the same car for 90 minutes. A teenager with an iPhone and earbuds has little interest in engaging in a meaningful conversation with his mother. So after tossing over a handful of questions to his side of the car and receiving, “ok,” “they’re fine," and “good,” I gave up on the idea of “closeness” happening that day.

Being in the presence of someone does not insure closeness. And you and I are no different than a teenager when we spend our days on the run, accomplishing a lot of noble tasks, yet never making the time to be still and converse with the One who made us. What is it that’s required for closeness?

Take a minute to think of some of your closest relationships.

  • What has brought the two of you to that place of closeness?

  • Have you honestly shared your heart, your hurts, and your desires with this other person?

  • Did he or she willingly share the same with you?

  • Did you feel safe when sharing your heart with him or her?

  • Do you enjoy spending time with him or her?

God wants this kind of closeness with you. He delights when you speak honestly with him about your needs and your hurts and fears. He loves it also when you share with him those things you are excited about and grateful for. Take a look at Psalm 5:3.

“In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.”

Those words describe the start of a great Quiet Time with the Lord, which will pave the way for experiencing abiding with Christ throughout the day. Pour it all out to the Lord. Begin your time of aloneness with an eager expectancy. What father doesn’t want to be close to his child?

So what are your obstacles that seem to be keeping you from spending time each day to get to know the Father?

  • Is it the distraction of your cell phone?

  • The TV shows you don’t want to miss?

  • Or are you just too tired to get out of bed in the morning?

Know that these things that have gotten in your way of being more intimate with God are but tiny problems to God. They are not obstacles at all if you will choose to surrender to His leading. Ask Him to help you overcome these obstacles.

What is keeping you from a relationship with God?

AbidingKirby King1 Comment