#5 The Benefits of Abiding (Gifts from God)

When my son, Brady, was born with Down syndrome, I struggled with a lot of things. For a while I believed a lie that my life was never going to be “good” again because it wasn’t going according to my plans! And if you have ever been in that place in your own life where any resemblance of “good” that you can see appears to have vanished, it can leave you feelings pretty depressed.

For the first couple of months after my son’s birth, I would fall in bed at night, grateful that another day was done, believing that if I could hang in there 18 more years (until the “empty nest” would begin), then I might start to experience joy and peace. That was a lie of the enemy which I am glad I was able to let go of. Instead, I have chosen to believe God’s truth, which has freed me to experience tremendous joy all around and in my life. Sometimes our difficult circumstances bring us to a place of desperation. This place is often where God begins to work out His best in us. Usually it’s because He is finally able to have our full attention.

To labor through your day only with hopes of “making it through” another one is NOT God’s plan for you.

There is so much more for you in this life than enduring another stressful day. And it is yours for the asking. The benefits of walking through each day in a close relationship with Jesus compares to nothing. Count the many benefits God offers to those who call on Him in the following three verses of Psalm 91:14-16 (I see seven!):

“Because he loves me says the Lord, I will rescue him. I will protect him for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon Me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him with my salvation.”

  • Have you kept God closed off in a closet or just a portion of your life?

  • Do you only talk to God at church on Sunday morning and give Him little thought throughout the week?

  • Do you think there may actually be benefits to abiding?

Do you believe that God has more for you in this life than you are experiencing now?