Faith Like a Child in the Hard Moments of Life


Have you ever known a grandparent who had his or her “favorite” grandchild? He didn’t have to actually tell others that the child was his favorite, but everyone knew. Brady’s Papa never shied away from telling others that Brady was his favorite! 

Not long after our third son, Brady, was diagnosed with Down syndrome, my in-laws made the decision to move from the town they had lived in for over 30 years to our town so they could offer us more support. An inseperable bond was formed between Papa and Brady. EVERY Saturday for 15 years, Papa and his “special buddy,” as he would call him, would venture out to Burger King for lunch, just the two of them. Each meal ended with the donning of a Burger King crown which Brady would show off to his siblings later in the day.

As the years went on, Papa and his “special buddy lunches” expanded to include a Papa, Brady and Mema dinner at Pizza Inn. It was an incredible bond. Papa started volunteering in one of the special ed classes at Brady’s elementary school. This dear man who once had a poor preconception about people of different color quickly learned to love all these precious children. These children helped him lose his prejudice. Papa became known as the “Candy Man” at the school. He regularly showered the children (and teachers) with Kit Kats and Tootsie Pops. Brady could not have been more proud to be his grandson.

Complications from Alzheimer's slowly set in and Papa would spend his final weeks in a Hospice House. We made the decision not to keep Brady away from his grandfather during these final days. Even though this sweet man was no longer responsive, Brady would stand by his beloved Papa’s side, hold his hand, sing to him, and pray over him. A teenager during this time, but with the cognitive functioning of a child much younger, Brady rose to the occasion and was so strong for his very special Buddy. 

Papa died in the middle of the night. I struggled as to how to tell my son the difficult news. How would he respond to losing the person who meant the very most to him? Would facing the death of a loved one be more than Brady’s “limited” mind could handle?  “Brady, sweetheart, Papa died last night. I’m so sorry.”  There was a long period of silence, no response from my son.  Until this….

“YIPPEE!!! Papa is in Heaven. He’s with Jesus!” Brady smiled and applauded and he hugged me. 

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them; the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the Kingdom of God LIKE A LITTLE CHILD will never enter it.  Mark 10:14-15”

Oh my goodness, if we could all have faith like a child. Yes, Brady was sad, but he believed what he had been taught. That when a person who believes in Jesus Christ dies he goes to Heaven and spends forever with Jesus. Brady’s child-like faith accepted God at his Word for the truth that it is. Scripture says it. We believe it. And in faith, we walk as children who believe that God means what He says. 

What kind of faith do you have?