LEMONS TO LEMONADE: Tool #9 to Equip You for Battle: Share Your Struggles


I hope that you’ve been able to put into practice some of the weapons of defense we've covered in the first eight Lemons to Lemonade posts. Let’s add another tool we can use when we find ourselves facing difficult circumstances. Here goes: DO NOT ISOLATE YOURSELF. Dare to share your struggles with others. We were never intended to do life alone.

“Two are better than one because they have a good return on their work. If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Covid has made it particularly challenging to keep ourselves engaged with other people. And if you’re already an introvert, you may be even less motivated to make the extra effort to interact. It’s become very easy to remain disengaged and not involve ourselves with others outside our own home. It seems we have all been “excused” from being connected.

The temptation to disconnect is palpable. Especially when we are in despair. We don’t want to bring someone else’s day down with our problems. But God created us to be in fellowship with Him and with one another. Community gives us strength to resist the enemy’s attempts to discourage us. 

Solitude is healthy for a time but damaging when allowed to continue. I was surprised to read of the following documented negative effects of loneliness and social isolation:

  • Decline in memory function and increased risk of dementia 

  • Higher rates of depression, anxiety and suicide

  • Weakened immune system

  • Risk of premature death

How do we push past the temptation to disconnect from others?

  1. Share your weariness with a friend. Don’t allow the enemy to speak lies to your heart that nobody cares about you. Jesus is the greatest friend you can ever have. He never tires of listening, is never judgemental, and He loves you unconditionally.

  2. If you cannot think of a friend to reach out to, ask God to send you a friend “with skin on” to help support you through your struggles. 

  3. Send out your SOS when you need the extra or immediate prayer support. On many occasions I have sent out a TEXT to a small group of friends with my specific prayer need. Many would text me back with a prayer, a word of encouragement or a Bible verse that I could reread throughout the day.

  4. Understand that it can be a blessing to others when they know they are needed. Though humbling to be on the receiving end, it’s good to allow others to be the hands and feet of Christ as they care for you. God is preparing you for your turn to be the helping friend to someone later.

  5. Find yourself a prayer partner who will commit to praying together with you (phone or in person) once a week. This is a great relationship to learn how to allow yourself to become more vulnerable. Remember this does not have to be a close friend. 

  6. Sign yourself up to be in a book club, an art class, Zumba class, anything that meets (either in person or virtually) each week. Friendships will happen over time.

  7. Plug yourself into a small group at church. You do not have to be a member of most churches to join a group. Being a part of a smaller (10-12 people) community group is a safeguard through hard times and a meaningful way to add value to your own life. And your life lessons may again bless others.

  8. Ask God to show you someone whose burden YOU might be able to help carry for them. Call that person, Zoom them, Facetime someone else in need. Ask them how they are doing.

  9. Learn where you can volunteer. There are still many ways you can serve others even if you are not comfortable with in person contact. Ask a friend for ideas or call your church office and ask if there is a list of needs you might be able to meet. Then make no excuse and follow through. 

Do not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” Hebrews 10:25.

Here is your challenge this week. Decide on two from the list above, pray and get started. Dare to share! Let me know how it goes.

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