Let's stop STRESSING - 8 Scriptures to Avoid a Pitfall #4 - Psalm 46:10


Sometimes a blog just rights itself. This is one of those blogs. I’ve been sharing with you some of my favorite Scriptures that have continued to teach me truth and redirect my fragmented way of seeing things. The verse I’m sharing today may help keep you out of the looney bin.

Right now my mind is screaming on the inside. I just walked away from a heated exchange of words with my teenager, a sixteen year old boy with hormones. That might just explain the craziness taking place in this house. Why can we not have a civil discussion? I do wish things were different. We seem to bring out the absolute worst in each other and I hate that.

When it’s clear that there is no reasoning to be had in our conversation and I’m hearing only words of disrespect coming at me, I’m learning to leave the house and start walking away as fast as I can. It’s probably safer for all involved this way. My head needs space.

I have found incredible comfort, especially when feeling overwhelmed as I do today, by saying the following three simple words aloud. . . “Jesus help me.” There is no shame in being desperate for God’s help. Read through the Psalms and other Scriptures and you will see God’s people calling out to Him often. The comfort comes in knowing that Jesus hears our words. He feels our frustration and despair.

For me, hearing myself ask, “Jesus help me,” starts the process to quiet my racing mind. Then my spirit is better prepared to hear from the Lord. (I might hear from Him by reading his Word, wise counsel from a friend, or his Spirit communicating with mine.) God’s words of wisdom tend to speak to my heart in more of a gentle whisper than a thunderous roar. When you and I are doing all the talking and grumbling we will miss the Lord’s quiet whisper.

I heard Him just now when I stepped outside the house to flee the chaos:

“Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10).

Kirby. . . stop, cease striving, stop stressing, enough already.

Trust Me. I AM God and you are not. Breathe and trust.

Again, breathe and trust.”

I can sense the Lord speaking to my heart. These are the same words He spoke to me over and over several years back when the struggles were intense. Once again, I slow my breathing and my thinking down with a long, deep breath. I allow the stress and worries in my head to release while slowly exhaling my breath.

As I continue to walk, I allow my mind to begin to digest the words of Psalm 46:10. This has been one of the best ways I’ve found to let God’s Word sink in - to break the verse down one word at a time. I sense the Holy Spirit say:

BE. Abide in Me, stay near, remain. Don’t think, obsess and do.

STILL. Stop stirring and moving, rest in Me, be quiet, calm.

KNOW. Be in a relationship with Me, be intimate with Me. Become familiar with my ways.

I AM GOD. I am God and you are not!

I made it home from my walk with an assurance that God does indeed have this situation under His control. It is definitely not under mine. Is the “issue” resolved between me and my son? Hardly, but listening to and receiving God’s words for me to be still and to know that He is God has helped me to redirect my focus away from my circumstances and onto Jesus.

So what do you do the next time your mind is racing and you need to “get a grip”?

  1. Take a deep breath. Exhale and say aloud, “Jesus help me.”

2. Whisper to yourself Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.” Hear this as words to you from your heavenly Father.

3. Ask God to speak to your heart as you meditate (focus) on each word of Psalm 46:10.

4. Wait expectantly for God to answer.

Friend, know that I am praying for you today as you ask Jesus for his help. If sharing this verse helps even one of you to draw closer to the Lord, I am thrilled! I’d love to know if you found this to be helpful.

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