Whatever you do, DO IT WELL - 8 Scriptures to Avoid a Pitfall #5 Colossians 3:23


I learned an invaluable lesson 20 plus years ago that I’ve been able to apply many times since. Our family of five was “stationed” in a city far away from friends and family for 12 months while my then husband was doing training for his work. My typically very busy days of part time work and volunteering (back home) had come to an abrupt halt. I wrestled with knowing what the best use of my time for the year might be. I was at a loss for what I should do so I prayed and asked God to show me. 

This wrestling led me to do an extensive search for what God’s Word has to say about work. Back then, doing a Google search online for Bible verses (or anything) was foreign to me. But what was available was the Concordance located in the back of my Bible listing key words where passages containing those words could be found. Of the 38 verses containing the word “work,” I wrote down each verse that might address my own dilemma of working. This one said it all.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving” Colossians 3:23-24 NIV.

This verse was a big ah-ha moment for me. It taught me, and continues to teach me, that God isn’t concerned so much with what job we take or don’t take. He is most concerned with the manner in which we do what we do - whatever it is we do.  

I saw Colossians 3:23-24 fleshed out beautifully when my father in law was being cared for in his final days at the Hospice House in Greenwood. I will never forget the beautiful CNA (Certified Nurse Assistant) who was taking care of him. My guess is that she wasn’t making much more than minimum wage as a CNA. Yet she bathed and dressed him, smoothed out his sheets and combed his hair as if my father in law was the most important patient and her job was the most important in all the world! And she sang to him while she did these things. Like an angel she sang. This precious woman treated a dying man with great dignity and respect…”as working for the Lord, not for men.”  She worked her job with all her heart. This worker’s reward was her joy in the Lord, knowing that she was pleasing God. Much can be learned by this woman’s example.

We can all be a bright light in a world of darkness whether we are:

  • Serving up coffee at a bistro

  • Scrubbing tubs and toilets

  • Staying home with children (or driving them everywhere)

  • Saving patients in a hospital

  • Bagging groceries at Food Lion

I honestly believe that to God it doesn't matter what we do IF we:

  1. Seek God for our source of strength and inspiration

  2. Strive to keep a positive attitude

  3. Do everything without complaining or arguing (Phil 2:14)

  4. Put the best of ourselves into what we do (Phil 4:13)

Know that you have purpose in whatever job you feel called to do. If you have breath; you have purpose. Honor God by starting your day spending time alone with Him (read his Word and talk with him in prayer). He would love to hear from you! He will equip you with everything you need to do your work well.

Lord, give me strength to do my job to the best of my ability. Help me keep a positive attitude and not complain, especially when I’m working at something I don’t enjoy doing. I desire to please you in all that I do.

What is ONE way you could better honor God in the way that you do your work? 

Kirby KingComment