Learning to Live the New Normal


As I shared last week, when my son Brady was born unexpectedly with Down syndrome, I had to wrestle through my emotions, thoughts and expectations of what “normal” life would be.

Through this ongoing work with God I now choose to believe that ALL things God creates are good and far from being mere “mishaps.” I choose to believe that God has had a plan for my son’s life all along. I believe the Lord has a divine Master plan for not only my son but for each one of us. We all have a purpose for being here. What do we have to gain by believing anything else to be true?  

Faith is believing a promise. One such promise is found in Romans 8:28, And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  Faith is then stepping out as if we believe that promise to be true. Faith is a gift we get to open or one we leave unwrapped. We choose. 

God never sees any of His creations or His plans as defective. He is a perfect Creator whose perspective is perfect and right. It is indeed our human focus that is limited. It is justifiable that I would grieve the loss of the “normal” child I thought I would have years ago. I’m grateful to say that my eyesight is daily being refocused to see through God’s lenses. I have come to learn a few great truths:

  • One is from author Patsy Clairmont that “normal is just a setting on your dryer.” Not one of God’s creations are typical, ordinary or regular. We are all made in His Image which is absolutely extraordinary - ALWAYS. 


  • A child or an adult with a disability is not a tragedy. Tragedy is someone who has been given a full package of a healthy body and strong mind and then throws it away. He wastes his talents and doesn’t apply himself. I’ve known people like this and it’s heartbreaking. There is real sadness there because that individual didn’t become all that God desired for him to be. 

  • Our job as parents isn’t to fix our kids but to help them reach their fullest God-given potential, whatever that may be. It’s the same job we have for ourselves. 

What about you? What in your life isn’t “normal” right now? What is it you are sad or disappointed with because your situation isn’t what you wanted it to be? Know today that God has great purpose in what you are going through. And one day at a time, the Lord will walk you through it. Ask God to help you begin to see things through His perspective.

Where will you choose to direct your focus today - on your present circumstance or on God?