What's a Mom to do When Covid-19 Might "Cancel" School AGAIN?


So are we shopping for “back to school” clothes for our kids or for more pajamas? Yesterday I read on the Greenville County Schools website that they will be offering virtual school as an option because of the continued threats of this lovely virus. The article said, “A virtual program is not only a good fit for families who remain concerned about the COVID-19 pandemic, but also for those who simply enjoy the benefits of learning from home.”  I’m concerned about the risks of COVID-19 but I am also concerned for my mental health. Let’s be real here. This is NOT funny.  Some young people who live in this house NEED to get up in the morning and go someplace away from home for a few hours each day. I have great respect for my friends who choose to school their kids at home and make every moment a beautiful “teaching” moment. God bless you. But my son and I have had too much “togetherness” to be healthy for either one of us.

The school website also says, “Students in the virtual program will follow a daily schedule just as they would in a brick and mortar school.” Well that’s not what happened from March through the end of May at our house. It was like trying to get the dead out of bed. Honest I tried!

I’d like to share with you the following which are excerpts from my book, “Walking Through Fire Without Getting Burned.” I was reading back through the chapter titled, “Breathe and Trust: Acknowledge Your Desperation” and realized these words which God spoke to my heart during another difficult time in my life are perfect for where I’m at right now. I pray that they are a blessing and encouragement to you as well, whatever your struggles may be. 

Child, breathe Me in each morning, and let that be the breath which sustains you through the remainder of the day. Lay your cares down at my feet. Leave them with Me and find great rest in knowing that your Father has things under control. Yes, My grace is sufficient to meet ALL your needs. 

Hope in Me. Believe that the path I have you on today is a good one. Find delight in ME -- not the path -- during each day. BREATHE, laugh, learn. Be gentle with yourself, and your family. Love well and extend much grace. Remember, I am going to fill you with sufficient grace day after day, moment by moment. Just as you need it. Do not fear. My grace and goodness are not going to run out. It is by design, My design, that you seek Me in desperation. I will not disappoint. Desperation for Me and My ways is never a sign of weakness. Rather, surrender, which is what I desire most. 

Beloved, find contentment in times of great frustration. Every moment of your “exasperation” is a beautiful reminder of your need for Me. This, precious child, is My gift to you. Because in your need you will not forget Me. Delight in that! Each “overwhelming” morning or afternoon with your children is an opportunity to bow before Me. It is an opportunity to re-prioritize our relationship and allow Me to lead and supply all your needs.

I want you to TRUST Me and my timing. I want you to learn to be still and to worship Me in the wait. For in the wait, you will know Me. Hear my whisper. Watch for my hand. I am moving on your behalf. In quietness and TRUST is your strength. BREATHE.

My friend, no matter where you find yourself in the midst of all this Covid craziness, remember to BREATHE and TRUST. God is able and He desires to carry you through.