What's a Mom to do When She Experiences Apathy? (Part 2)


Last week I shared about being diagnosed with a serious attitude sickness called apathy. Who knew it could be so toxic? It may be helpful for you to go back and read  Part 1 before reading further. I have been dealing with a difficult situation in my home life and have given all that I thought I had to give to make the problem better. But over and over I have felt completely unsuccessful in making any progress. With the repeated “failures to fix” I had lost hope in my situation ever improving. I was trying to make myself believe that I just

didn’t care anymore (it hurts less that way). That’s what apathy does. Folks, this is not a healthy place for any of us to stay.

I promised to share with you what I am learning as I search for some solutions to cure my ailment of passivity and indifference. If you’ve not experienced this feeling of indifference in one of your own relationships or circumstances then what I’m writing on will probably not make a bit of sense. But if you have walked in the oppressive shoes of apathy, then I pray that the lessons I’m about to share will be a kick start to your own recovery. Notice I said “your” recovery and not necessarily the issue at hand. God is always more concerned with us working on the “log in our own eye” than He is in us “fixing” others. Amen?

I was having a conversation with God this morning on my drive to pick up my teenage son from camp. God, I have pleaded with you to take this struggle from me. Kirby, My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness. Then God, I am going to rejoice in every insult, every hardship, every difficulty and persecution. Because when I am weak then you are strong in me (borrowed from Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians).

The New Living Translation says it this way, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness. So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. (2 Corinthians 12:9) I know there is not an ounce of ability within me to make this broken situation whole. I have tried (and tried and tried). But now I can honestly say I believe that my own inability is by God’s design. HE IS ABLE and He wants all his children to be dependent on Him. He desires for us to trust Him to provide every ounce of grace we need to do those things He’s called us to do ONE DAY AT A TIME, and often one moment at a time. Then it is God who gets the glory. 

My head is spinning with the abundance of information available on apathy. It’s amazing what we can learn when we stop “not caring.” I’m still reading and trying to process but there is hope out there! This will definitely take more time to study and grasp but if you are wanting to break free of your apathy then here are a few highlights for starters:  

  • Ask God to give you the “want to.” 

  • Focus on God and not on the situation or person that is troubling you.     “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Colossians 3:2”   

  • Do some work to get the log out of your own eye first.

  •  Be diligent to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized (Ephesians 6:11)

  • Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

  • Learn to rejoice in your weaknesses knowing that God has an even greater opportunity to shine through you. He gets the glory!

Lord, we ask that you continue to restore our desire to do the work you have called us to do, no matter how difficult it may seem. Show us the steps we are to take to walk away from apathy and into your victory. 

Have you ever thought of your own weakness as an opportunity for God to shine through you?