A Wedding Announcement and a Tribute to Friends!


This post is going to be short and sweet. I’m getting married TOMORROW, June 5th, and I have run out of minutes to do anything more. Even though I haven’t started packing for myself, I have gotten two of my kids fully packed for camp next week, the dog is taken care of, and I just remembered to tell my postmaster to hold the mail. It’s a crazy time around here, but God is good!

 It’s wonderful to have found someone to love and to share life with. I am blessed to be marrying an amazing man who is kind, calm and caring. And for some very strange reason he is up to the challenge of moving into my world of chaos. There is excitement and nervousness all at the same time. Without a doubt, there will be challenges ahead, but when you both know the One who knows where He is taking you, it makes the  journey sweet. 

Bachelorette party in Tryon, NC

Bachelorette party in Tryon, NC

Our wedding ceremony is in an Italian restaurant in downtown Greenville. My son, Tucker, is performing the ceremony. With nine kids between me and my soon to be husband, Rich, and our kid’s spouses and their children the guest list filled very quickly when trying to keep things small. Sixty years old and getting married . . . pretty strange and pretty wonderful. There is excitement and nervousness all at the same time.

Gospel Group bridal shower luncheon

Gospel Group bridal shower luncheon

Dana, the fun friend!

Dana, the fun friend!

I want to end this series on Friends with a tribute to each and every amazing friend God has brought into my life over the years. Those friends who have helped me pack and move a gazillion times, drove my kids where they needed to be when I needed to be elsewhere. Friends who have prayed for me and with me, guided me and pampered me, included me when I was alone. Those who sent spontaneous texts to encourage me or just say hello. I’m grateful for the ones who have allowed me to vent without passing judgement and have trusted me with their issues as well. I am grateful beyond words for friends who have chosen to journey with me through the challenges that came with divorce, especially during some days when I thought I was losing it. I could not have done without you. And if perhaps I could, I most certainly would not have wanted to.

I want to encourage each one of us to be the kind of friend to others that we would want them to be to us. Be a friend who is trustworthy, loyal, honest and FUN! Be a verb kind of friend. Friends are gifts of great value!

P.S. If you’re single and haven’t been following my previous blogs, check out the series I wrote in HopeforHardPlaces.com - “What’s a Mom to do When She Finds Herself Single Again?”

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